Pattes Parfait (Pattes et Peintures)

Looking after your  canine companions

Certificat de Capacite Numero 23009


Barbara and John can look after your pets whilst you are away.


We are at your service for animal and home care. Our quality service with us in our home.

Your animals enjoy a home from home in a family house with safe grounds to play in. We are based in Louvigne du Desert in Brittany


DOGGY DAY CARE   if you want a brief day out or to try our services

OVERNIGHT STAYS   If you want to leave them overnight


Barbara and John can home, walk and feed your pets. You can visit us before you book if you wish. Dogs always walked on lead. We take your dog on a walk everyday. This can be customised to your dog's needs. e.g. forest walk, park walk, urban walk. For information and prices cliquez Contact details cliquez


A Typical Day at Pattes Parfait (Pattes et Peintures)

We  get up around 8am and go downstairs to greet our doggy companions. There's one on the sofa and one on the armchair. Both the owners' dog baskets are empty having not been slept in!

Garden door open and toilet time. The pooper scooper is ready.  Individual breakfasts, some private, some communal and always supervised. Walks can be in the morning or later. Always on lead unless the owner specifies . There's a lovely walk in the woods next to Pattes Parfait  Another takes in the old railway line walk.  Often a car journey to the forest near Fougeres, Pontmain, Monthault or the beach if the weather is good.

Water is brought along if we know there is not a source nearby.   When we return home there's often a treat and a further ball games. 



SIRET : 985 328 889 00011

TEL: 02 99 17 49 32

MOBILE: 06 04 44 93 24

06 16 62 54 21