Voie Verte Fougeres to St Hilaire du Harcouet
There's a stretch of this walk near Fougeres. Start by parking at the Lycée JB Le Taillandier Site Michelet. Walk east back along the road Boulevard Jean
Monnet.past the wood seller Tirot.(There's a green walkway next to the road.) After here is the voie verte crossing the road. Take the path nearly opposite the wood seller towards Fougeres. It's
a lovely Urban walk down to the Mediatech and cinema in Fougeres. The old SNCF tunnels are a treat.287 metres long
This is good for an hour of dog walking. Joggers and cyclists so mind your doggy manners.
J'ai suivi cette promenade sur Visirando en utilisant le GPS sur mon téléphone portable. C'est un mélange de marche urbaine et de marche en forêt pendant environ 2 heures. Commence près des anciens tunnels ferroviaires et parking près de la rue du Parc. Vraiment super promenade.Suivez le parcours identifié ici par les numéros un à neuf du circuit
I followed this walk on Visirando using GPS on my mobile. It is a mixture of urban and forest walking for about 2 hours. Starts near the old railway tunnels and parking near the Rue du Parc. Really great walk.
Follow the route which is identified here by the numbers one to nine on the circuit